Care Plus Solutions, Inc.

Care Plus Solutions, Inc., a certified woman-owned business founded in 1973, is the nation’s oldest provider of external Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) and Management Assistance Programs (MAP).

We are proud to be the MidAtlantic Employers’ Association choice provider for the past 15 years and service over 200 organizations worldwide. We are proud to have received both local and national awards for our quality service from such organizations as the NJ Psychological Association, Institute of Health and Productivity Management (IHPM) the and Employee Assistance Professional Association (EAPA). We have built a culture of excellence that focuses on delivering seamless personal services with sensitivity and compassion.

What makes us different from other EAPs?

  • Our comprehensive yet flexible service offerings enable us to accommodate any type of business or budget.
  • We engage in continuous improvement processes to ensure our services remain of the highest quality, our systems remain efficient and our programs are effective.
  • We are freestanding and not affiliated with any treatment provider, insurer or third party administrator providing smoother integration of benefits and resulting in higher utilization rates.
  • EAP is our core business, not a mental health or health insurance system’s secondary “add-on” service designed to direct patients toward their primary business or maximizes profits in other ways.
  • We are an integrated EAP that addresses Behavioral Health, Wellness, Work-Life and Organizational development needs.
  • We equate expertise and experience with quality care in the human service field.
  • All our professional staff have over ten years of experience in the EAP field and are Certified Employee Assistance Professionals (CEAPs).
  • Our Substance Abuse Professionals (SAP) and Substance Abuse Experts (SAE) are trained, have satisfied regulatory requirements and are in full compliance with 49 CFR 40.33
  • Our staff professionals have been appointed to several committees in the EAP industry including Task Forces focusing on healthcare, wellness, work-life, EAPs and substance abuse.
  • We offer many options customers may add to their EAP program and our leadership has further expanded into Behavioral Risk Management, Disability Management and Coaching Services.