Multiple Employer Savings Program (MEP)
Big benefits, low costs, hassle-free retirement savings
Simplify Retirement Savings with the Multiple Employer Savings Program
With the MEA Retirement Savings Program, you enjoy the advantages of institutional pricing and services with low costs as your plan is grouped with other plans to create real buying power. Stand-alone retirement plans create significant work and liability for you, the employer, taking time away from what you do best – running your business. With the MEA MEP Program, the Plan Sponsor, not you, bears the fiduciary responsibility and risk and is responsible for all administration and regulatory filings.
5 Reasons Why Adopting the MEA Plan is Smart for Business
Big Plan Services
Cost Effective Solution
Easy Administration
Superior Investment Menu
Utmost Flexibility in Plan Design
Ready to take your next step?
Reach out today to learn more about MEA membership and how it can impact your business.
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