The Strategic Leader

For: All People Leaders | Two, 6 Hour Sessions

This 2-day, strategic-level leadership program is designed to inspire and engage, and give organizational leaders a chance to gain insights into their own personal development needs to meet whatever leadership challenges lie ahead for themselves, their executive teams, and their organizations.

Leadership is an Observable, Learnable Set of Practices, Not a Gene. Perfect for an executive team, this program is based on 30 years of research and data from Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of The Leadership Challenge®. By gathering evidence focused on exactly what great leaders actually do, their findings identify and validate 5 Practices that are critical for leaders to be successful.

Participants in this program will work to identify specific actions for improving the Five Practices and for communicating that plan with their team or manager. With a plan of action in hand for taking the key learnings from the workshop back to the workplace, participants are prepared to implement these new leadership practices back on the job and apply them to current organizational challenges.

Based on Kouzes and Posner’s data collected over 30 years, effective leaders consistently engage in 5 critical practices. And, these practices can be learned by anyone. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® are Modeling the Way, Inspiring a Shared Vision, Challenging the Process, Enabling Others to Act, and Encouraging the Heart.

The Leadership Practices Inventory Self® is an online assessment which allows workshops attendees to benchmark themselves against other leaders, and assess how often they demonstrate the 5 Practices. Participants will have the opportunity to determine what actions they can take to improve, and reflect on how to apply what they have learned to a current leadership challenge of their own.

Learning Objectives: 

Identify leadership strengths and developmental opportunities

Clarify and communicate fundamental values and beliefs

Set the example for others by aligning actions with shared values

Express an image/vision of the future

Inspire others to share a common vision

Search for opportunities to change and improve

Experiment with innovative ideas and learn from accompanying mistakes

Build collaboration, teamwork and trust

Strengthen the ability of others to excel

Recognize the accomplishments of others

Apply the lessons learned in the workshop to a current organizational challenge


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