The Crossover Between Marketing and HR with Mandelbaum Barrett’s Lauren Lynch

The Crossover Between Marketing and HR with Mandelbaum Barrett’s Lauren Lynch

In this episode, Mandelbaum Barrett’s Chief Marketing & Culture Officer Lauren Lynch talks about how marketing can help HR, how HR professionals can build a relationship with their marketing team, and how to reinforce a company’s core values.

Lauren has over 2 decades of experience in the legal service industry, and has taken marketing roles to mean much more than just traditional marketing, with a strive for it to become a force of cultural change impacting both attorneys and staff.Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Better People:

  • Why a company’s culture is so important.
  • Ways to help employees avoid ‘burnout’.
  • How to increase the amount of empathy in an organization.
  • How to teach leaders to lead with empathy.
  • How marketing can help HR.
  • How HR professionals can build a relationship with their marketing team.
  • The value of focus groups.
  • How to reinforce a company’s core values.


Connect with Lauren Lynch:

Connecting with the hosts:


  • 4:19 – “It’s no secret that the legal industry is known for burnout and you’ve got high ranking employees and lawyers who their job is to get results for clients and they’re often working long hours and it’s just really not know as a space, mental health and drug abuse is very rampant in the legal community and it’s something that the law journal has done numbers of studies on over the years and I think finally law firms are starting to wake up and realize wow these are people too and they’re not only your lawyers but your staff and we can’t burnout these people the way we are and while yes results matter so do the people making those results and getting those results to clients.”
  • 9:09 – “We survey our employees, not just what can we do better, what can we do differently, how are you feeling, what’s going on in your life right now that relates to how you’re doing the work and I think surveys are so underrated these days but they’re so important and if anything it lets your employees know that you do care, you’re caring you’re valuing their opinion and I think that’s so important.”
  • 27:15 – “Companies are starting to look at the recession that may be coming and they’re starting to pull back on things and so I’m looking more at how do I do the cheap little things without having to spend a tonne of money how do I let my employees know that they’re valued and we care about them.”

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